Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Scarlett's Year in Review

This year was full of joy, challenges and victories for Scarlett.

Scarlett began chemo for the second time in her little life.  She also learned to crawl out the dog door!
Scarlett was the NEGU Kid of the Week for the Jessie Rees Foundation!
A clean MRI - yea!
Scarlett started walking with the help of her walker.  It took her about 2 minutes to figure out how to change directions, go up driveways and over edges.
We went to camp to spend the weekend with other families of brain tumor kids.  We love it!  Scarlett lost her last pacifier, so we said goodbye to them!
Scarlett had to go to the ER after a night of vomiting.  Thankfully, it was just a stomach virus.  Then, we went on vacation!  We got to meet two other families with kids who have battled the same tumor.  We had a great day at the San Diego Zoo
Scarlett became an adept climber.  She started to get into everything, climbing onto chairs, tables and counters.  She participated in her second year of Relay for Life, and was awarded "Most Inspirational Relayer"
No mo' chemo!  Scarlett finished chemo with no sign of tumor.  She started her second year of preschool.  She also got glasses, which she took approximately 2 weeks to break.
We went camping twice in September, once with other brain tumor families and once with Scarlett's school.  Both were wonderful, and we learned a lot with both groups.
Scarlett turned 3!  We hosted our third annual blood drive to celebrate, collecting another 70 pints of blood for Stanford Blood Center.  We also secured her school needs through an IEP after months of preparation.  She had another clear MRI - yea!!
We made huge strides in our continuing quest for support services for Scarlett, including a handicap placard, respite care and the next steps toward long-term insurance.
Scarlett made the move to a toddler bed this month.  She is working hard to walk, sign, talk and eat on her own.

Thank you to all who have been following this girl in 2013 (and beyond).  I know I don't post as much anymore, but we still deeply appreciate the support and cheering that comes from our friends here.  I hope everyone has a happy new year!  Bring it on, 2014!


child of God said...

2013 is going out and 2014 is coming in. Praying and praying for Scarlett and your family, hoping this is a year of joy, peace and health.


4+1=5hopingfor7 said...

We love hearimg updates about scarlett! My old3r kids ask about her and how she is doing all the timme. I al glad she is doing so well! Thank you for keepimg us updated!

April said...

Your entire family is such an inspiration. I have followed Scarlett's story since the diagnosis and I am happy to see how many great milestones she has hit this year! 2014 will be even better.

Unknown said...

I have been following your story for a long time. My daughter, Charlotte, is almost the exact same age as Scarlett so I can really relate to your story. It is amazing to see just how far Scarlett has come. Your persistence and faith in Scarlett to beat this disease is commendable! Looking at her, and seeing all of her accomplishments you just know that she is going to have a long, productive and happy life ahead of her! Congrats!! You must be so proud.

Unknown said...

I have been following your story for a long time. My daughter, Charlotte, is almost the exact same age as Scarlett so I can really relate to your story. It is amazing to see just how far Scarlett has come. Your persistence and faith in Scarlett to beat this disease is commendable! Looking at her, and seeing all of her accomplishments you just know that she is going to have a long, productive and happy life ahead of her! Congrats!! You must be so proud.

Lizzy said...

I have a picture of your daughter since 2010, every time I wonder how is she doing, she is such a fighther, and so beautiful. God bless her and give her the strength to keep fighting.

Abby said...

Congratulations on such a great year!

The Macons said...

That picture of her in the toilet! Ha! I am dying laughing!She is such a precious girl! Happy 2014!!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog since Scarlett was first diagnosed. I am so happy to see she is doing so well. Many times I cried at my computer while reading about her updates, I was so scared she wouldn't recover. Thankfully, she looks like she's doing exceptionally well! Both you and your husband must have had the toughest years of your lives, but I always admired how you marched on and only thought about her recovery and what needed to get done. You have a beautiful family and I will always thing about you all!

Unknown said...

Hi! I have been following your story since Scarlett was little. Ada, my daughter was born on October 23rd 2010. She was actually due on Oct 15th :)

Anyway, she also has glasses and although you have probably found a solution by now, we love the Miraflex glasses. Ada has had hers since she was 14 months old and has never broken them. They are flexible and almost impossible to break unless an adult stomped on the lenses or something. Just thought I would let you know in case breaking glasses is still an issue.

Good luck to you, glad to hear Scarlett is doing well!!