October is over, and we are so happy to have had such great participation in our blood donor push! I went through the Facebook groups and have the list from our drive, and I came up with a total of 155 units of blood donated! That is definitely more than Scarlett ever used, and I know that so many patients will be so grateful to have it!
In fact, yesterday, Scarlett's hospital, Lucile Packard Children's, was all over the news for surgical separation of conjoined twins. It is incredibly likely that blood collected at our drive could have been used for those beautiful little girls! THAT is amazing!
We are so proud of our community, both in town and our "blog community", for supporting this. Here are the names of the donors we know about (if you donated but didn't let us know, add a comment!)
Abby Rubin, Ajay Bali, Alfred Bruckner, Amanda Vlasveld, Amber Conway, Amy Rose, Ana Semedo, Analisa Feyling, Andy Zutler, Angela Willoughby, Anna Wang, Arlene Paxton, Armando Villarreal, Audrey Villanueva, Barbara Miller, Bonnie DOnzella, Bonnie Thompson, Bruce Paxton, Bryan Cooper, Carina Andrade, Carol Dawson, Carter Stutzman, Cassandra Ortiz, Cathy Althoff, Cathereene Watters, Cecilia Benavides, Christina Hernandez, Constance Smith, Cindy Reid, Danielle Hess, Dano Lash, David Blakesley, Deborah Carrillo, Debbie Duncan, Donald Bolce, Douglas Stinger, Elizabeth Dickinson, Elizabeth Freeman, Beth Stutzman, Ellen Ascanio, Ellen Woods, Gail Nelson, Gail Stringer, Gerard Grenier, Gregory Duncan, Haley Hatcher, Heather Mitchell, Heidi Koch, Helen Cleland, Holley Finney, Holly Risner-Perez, Jaqueline Peterson (and her cousin), Jamil Sood, Jarrett Baker, Jason, Jeff Garrett, Jennifer Hicklin, Jenniofer Makin, Jennifer Zutler, Jennifer Retzbach, Jennifer Robison, Jerry Shultz, Jerry Tallman, Jodi Croce, Johanna Holte, John Mancha, John Kincinas, Josephine Laporte, Judy Munn, Julie Engstrom, Julie Troop, Justin Verdile-McDaniels, Karen Hiraga, Karl Iremonger, Karl Knowles, Karla Gavarette, Kelli K., Kelly Hess, Kimberly Ortiz, Kirsten Marshall, Kirstin Stenberg, Klarissa Reynoso, Krista Davis, Krista Lucas (and her bible study group!), Kristalynn White, Kristy Barlow, Krystal Christianson, Laura Knab, Laura, Lauren J, Leda Mares, Lindsay Affleck, Lisa Hammock, Lyssa Vandiver, Mandie Tix, Mandy Montgomery, Marcia Fildes, Margaret Stone, Marilyn Richardson, Mark Helton, Mark Ostasiuk, Matt King, Megan Liszewski, Melissa McMullin, Melissa Forney, Mike Haight, Mike Marzano, Michelle Strauss, Monique Wilson, Nancy Meyer, Nancy Nguyen, Natashia Delossantos, Nicholas Lash, Pamela Sines-Fleischer, Paterno Ouano, Pat Knighton, Peter Ascanio, Rachael Baker, Rachelle Petratuona, Renee Medeiros, Renee Mancha, Richard Barlow, Russell Blowers, Russell Meagher, Ryan Christianson, Sally vonHofen, Samuel Lasse, Shari Helton, Sheila Cleland, Sheila Harrington, Sheryl Kincinas, Sonya, Stephanie Cleland, Stephen Moresi, Steve Cleland, Susan Woodstock, Sylvia Garrett, Sylvia Martin, Teresa Stuart, Teri Marzano, Tiffany Nunes, Timothy Hess, Valerie Ouano, Vanani Vasundhara, Vance Villanueva, Vanessa Pinilla Sood, Vanessa Delano, Veronica Bitz, Vilma Nicolas, Vivian Abbott-Grenier, Wendy Browne, William Rucklidge
My husband and I donated at a local drive on Oct. 8th! Stephanie and Adam Harris
Sara Hughart at a Bloodcenter location in Illinois!
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