Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scarlett's Friends

Nearly two-thirds of childhood cancer survivors suffer from long-term effects, including hearing loss, vision loss, low immunity, neuropathy, inhibited growth,  chronic illness, loss of fertility, reduced cognitive function, depression and secondary cancers.

These are some of Scarlett's internet buddies.  Most have had brain tumors, like her.  Some have won their fight and are living happy lives.  Some are still in the fight.  Some are nearing the end of their battles.  Some are gone and sorely missed.  My list is getting longer every year...
There are so, so many more.  We are told by the government and big cancer foundations (some colorful language in that link) that it is rare.  It is not rare when it happens to your child.  Will you tell someone else about one of these kids?  Help us fight for better treatments, longer lives and forever memories for those we have lost.


child of God said...

Oh such a long, sad list!

Some of these precious children I am praying for.


Courtney said...

Hi from another brain cancer momma <3 praying for your sweet fighter!