We need a name for our blood drive. I can't think of anything beyond "Scarlett's Blood Drive" and I can't bring myself to be that boring! There must be something out there...creative...with her name (it works so well with a blood drive)...something catchy to bring in donors...
Its kinds of cheesy but how about "Butterflies and Babies Blood Drive"
(Give) Scarlet for Scarlett! :)
^^^Could be used with our without "give" as you prefer it.
I Bleed Scarlett! A play off of our local I bleed green or I bleed orange competition.
Scarlett's Bloody Good Time!
Give Scarlett in the Name of Scarlett
Frankly Scarlett, I DO give a darn!
My vote is for Meghan's idea... I bleed Scarlett!!! Love it!
Fiddle Dee Dee, Give Some Blood For Me
I like Scarlet for Scarlett, too!
The fight for Scarlett with Scarlet.
Blood Drive for Butterflies
Love the ideas above too!
"Scarlett = Life" or maybe "Scarlett + scarlett =life"
The Scarlett Challenge.
Give Blood to Show Some Love.
Scarlett Squared (like a mathmatic formula).
And I love Scarlet for Scarlett. =)
Got blood?
We all bleed Scarlett.
Scarlet butterflies
The Scarlett butterfly Drive :)
I love the "I bleed Scarlet" idea. I think it's a total winner.
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