Sunday, July 10, 2011


Seven years ago today, we threw caution to the wind and were married.  We had no money, were still in school and had big dreams of what might lie ahead.  It's been a long road, and we aren't in a very different position than we were then, but we are still as much in love as were were that day.  Everyone thought we were crazy (and they still might!) but we are happy to have proved them wrong (or at least having learned to ignore them and have fun anyway!) 

Yesterday we drove to Healdsburg in the famous "Wine Country" and enjoyed some wine tasting, tapas and time together away from the piles of bills, phone calls and stress of our daily reality.  The weather was beautiful, and we had a great day.  It was the longest we have ever left Scarlett, and she was fine (though I think my sister and mom were pretty wiped out!)  We're so lucky to live so close to such great places to visit - wine tasting is great because it feels fancy, but at many wineries, it's free!  We did a whole day out with 3 wineries and a delicious lunch, a bottle of one of the wines we liked most and some other treats for under $100. 

It was a great recharge for the upcoming week, where Scarlett gets her new hearing aids, we continue the fight for social services and maybe finally get our phone fixed!


Tracy said...

So glad the two of you were able to enjoy your anniversary together!

Anonymous said...

Good for you guys! It's so important to get away, even if it's only for the day, to reconnect and just have fun. Congratulations!

Renaissance Woman said...

So happy that you two had a great time! You deserve it! :)

Jennifer said...

Happy anniversary! So glad you could get away together and have such a nice time. :) My husband and I will be married 7 years also in August.
Good luck with everything this week. We are always pulling for sweet Scarlett!!!

April and Roel said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a lovely day together. Thinking of you and Scarlett often.

Breanna said...

Happy Anniversary! I don't comment much, but I follow your journey and often think of you and Scarlett. Thoughts and prayers are always with you from Western, PA!

P.S. Our first anniversary was today :) We got married on July 10, 2010 :)

Jenn said...

Sounds like the perfect day - happy anniversary, and here's to many, many more!

It's June! said...

Good for you! This is so good for you guys to have time alone, even though you are going through this difficult time with scarlett. And it'll bless scarlett in the end too! Happy anniversary!

DiJe said...

Happy Anniversary!

Michelle said...

Happy anniversary. Brandi, you look stunning in the black and white photo.

Mommy2CJ said...

Glad you two had a great anniversary! Your wedding pics are beautiful! You were a beautiful bride! :)

mommyofasuperhero said...

happy anniversary!