Between the blog, our Facebook page, and people around town, we've had a ton of questions and we want to make sure everyone is clear on the plan. If you still have questions, you can e-mail us and we'll do our best to answer.
What blood drive?
We're hosting a blood drive in honor of Scarlett's first birthday on October 22, 2011 from 10am to 4pm at First Presbyterian Church of Newark in Newark, CA (on the corner of Newark Blvd. and Cedar for you locals). The drive is sponsored by the Stanford Blood Center, which has provided all the blood Scarlett has been given since she started chemo. We're hoping to have birthday cake and some other goodies, along with a raffle for people who come by.
I'm busy that day OR I live in Timbuktu but I want to give blood! How?
You can!! This blog reaches worldwide, and we certainly don't want anyone who is eager to donate to miss out. We are encouraging anyone to give blood in your local community. You can let us know via the blog in October (we'll have some way for you to post it), or just pat yourself on the back. Not sure where to donate? Try the Red Cross or ask your local hospital where they suggest; they will be more than happy to direct you to a donation center that will benefit their patients.
Eek! I'm afraid of needles. Isn't giving blood horrible?
NO! Giving blood is not scary or hard, and it saves lives! The blood center staff is trained to draw blood as quickly and painlessly as possible (they want you to come back!) Need some encouragement? Scarlett has been poked by a needle in the chest more than 100 time so far. She doesn't even cry, and she's a BABY. YOU CAN DO IT. Bring a friend or stuffed animal if you need to. Click HERE to see what the donation process is like.
I'm anemic/breastfeeding/pregnant/taking medication/tattooed/pierced/sneezy/sleepy/dopey/doc - can I give blood?
To see the eligibility requirements for giving blood, click HERE. We know not everyone can donate. If you can't, maybe you can convince someone else to. Be creative! If you can't give blood, you can still come by the event and say hi!
Will Scarlett get my blood?
If you give blood through our drive or any Stanford Blood Center, and you have the exact right blood type (A+), and she were to need an additional transfusion, it is entirely possible that she could get your blood. However, our goal here is not to store blood for her, but to help stock up the blood bank for other patients like Scarlett who rely on donated blood. We are not getting any credit toward expenses or any bonus for having a blood drive.
Sounds great! I'm ready to donate! What should I do?
Awesome! We would love if people made appointments so we know how many people to expect. Make your appointment NOW!
I'd like to help with the drive. What do you need?
We're still working on the details, but we WILL need help to make this run smoothly. Right now, we are looking for GREAT things to use in a raffle for donors. If you have something you would like to contribute, please e-mail us at
I so giggled at "I'm anemic/breastfeeding/pregnant/taking medication/tattooed/pierced/sneezy/sleepy/dopey/doc - can I give blood?" !!!! That was a very cute way to word the question.
I love the this blood drive and wish I could donate. Actually Scarlett is encouraging me to get my weight up (only a few more pounds needed) so I can!
Im all registered!
I have been wanting to donate for the past year, but I have had to wait! 10 days after my August 2010 baby was born, I started to spontaneously hemorrhage at home, and nearly died on the way to the hospital due to blood loss. I received 8 units of blood and several more of fresh frozen plasma - now that it is more than a year out of my transfusion, I am finally eligible to donate again!
I've been following your family's story since I heard about it last year on my baby center birth board. Im a local - grew up and went to school in Fremont - and now live in SJ, so Scarletts birthday blooddrive is a PERFECT opportunity to me to give back some of the blood that saved MY life in the name of an extra good cause!
Awesome Lindsey! We'll see you there!
I can't wait to give blood. I made my appointment today. See ya there! I love doing my part and giving blood to help others.
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