Monday, September 5, 2011


Hi everyone!  In my continued remodeling, Starring Scarlett now has it's own Facebook page!  You can "like" it by visiting the page here, or click the "like" button on the left.  Blog posts will be posted directly to the new page, so you can get your latest Scarlett fix in your Facebook feed.

If you are on the "Scarlett's Miracle" page, jump on over - the new page is run by me, and while we are very grateful to those who set up the first page while we were still in the chaos of the early days, we are ready to take on a more "official" role.

If you're not on Facebook (anyone other than Wendy?) ignore all of this and enjoy your day!  :-)
Thanks everyone for being patient while I continue to learn how this stuff works!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Well I join Wendy - no facebook here. :)
I will still be visiting here though.
Christina & Kaitlyn.