Friday, September 2, 2011


I think my remodeling streak is over.  I am loving the bright, fresh colors and the header I painstakingly created in Picasa, then Photoshop (every new blog feature represents sometimes hours of tinkering with a program I have no idea how to use, so it is an accomplishment for me!)  A quick tour...

Title:  We are now  Scarlett is most absolutely the star of this show, and we were ready for a new title.  If you are using a bookmark to reach us, you may want to change it to avoid the redirect.

Blood Drive:  There is a tab at the top for the blood drive.  More information is still coming (we have a meeting today) but the latest news will be there.

Buttons:  I made a new button for other blogs, as well as a place to collect buttons.  If you are using an old button, it will still work (through the redirect).  If you have a blog, add our button so your readers can check us out! 

Comments:  I changed over to a pop-up style comment box so we don't have to scroll and scroll.  You can also "reply" to a comment, which will post at the bottom of the comments (Blogger doesn't support threaded comments yet, and I couldn't find a hack for it.)  You still need to be logged in to an Open-ID account to comment.

Oldies but goodies:

We're on the Fence!:  Picket Fence Blogs is a blog ranking site.  You can vote for us once a day and we move up the ranks (we're #219 so far).

Subscribe:  If you subscribe to our blog, all new updates will be sent to you by e-mail.

I think that's it.  We'll see how long I last with this before I get the urge to remodel again!


Emily said...

It looks great! I love seeing all the sweet pictures of Scarlett whe I open the page. :)

Jennifer said...

I love love love the cha cha changes! :) Excellent work! I love all the pictures of Scarlett that load up automatically! Awesomeness! <3

Pat B said...

The changes you have made look great! I'm glad to hear Scarlett is doing well. I have been following her for quite awhile. I've also been following your sister's blog through your blog and now it's not on your page. Could you tell me how to get to her blog? You and your sister's journeys have touched my heart and I say a prayer for you both each night.

Brandi Wecks said...

The ladybug button on the left is Lindi's blog! Sorry!