Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We had a long, tiring night in the PICU. Action never ceases, no matter who is trying to sleep. Beeping, whirring, talking and crying cycled through the floor, but luckily Scarlett slept through most of it thanks to some heavy narcotics. Many of the nurses remember her from our month-long stay when her tumor was removed, so they keep coming by to check in. She's facing a few challenges right now. First, swelling has taken over her face. Hr eyelids are purple and have grown to cover her lashes; she hasn't been able to open her eyes all day. Sometimes we can tell she is awake, so we talk to her and try to give her our fingers to grab. Every once in a while a little tear slips out - heart-breaking! She is also having tummy troubles. She looked like was doing so well that they began giving her some Pedialyte through her g-tube. This resulted in a lot of vomit. She hasn't been able to keep anything down yet, so we have increased her anti-nausea meds. Since vomiting can be a sign that her inter-cranial pressure is high, she will be getting a quick MRI scan this afternoon to monitor the fluid build-up in her brain. Until then, we have her g-tube venting anything nasty so it doesn't have to go through her mouth (a strangely convenient aspect of the tube - it's as much a outlet and an inlet for the stomach...) Overall, everyone is very happy with how she is doing. It's hard to see her to swollen and zonked out on medicine, but we know that this is just a short phase to live through. She has already had an OT evaluation and will also see PT and maybe speech while she is here. For the next few days, we will be watching carefully and making sure that she is as comfortable as possible.


Julie said...

Hang in there! You are the sweetest bravest people I know. Sending hugs and sayin' prayers.
Love from Auntie Julie

Sarah G said...

Prayers and hugs sent your way! Scarlett, you're a brave little girl!!

DiJe said...

Ugh. In the excitement of the surgery going well I forgot you guys are still there for awhile waiting for the fluid to build up. Hoping the little miss is more comfortable ASAP.

Rebecca said...

Thanks so much for the update! Praying for a swift recovery for Miss Scarlett. Before you know it, she will be home again playing with her toys. :)

Hugs to all of you!

Melissa said...

Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way. Scarlett is so strong and she's very lucky to have such wonderful and loving parents.

Christina said...

Poor little baby. Here is hoping for a quick recovery.
We have been thinking of you all since yesterday morning
lots of love!

Robin said...

Scarlett is such a trooper, and so are her parents! Give that gorgeous girl a kiss from us! Praying for you always!

Melissa said...

It's morning out on the east coast, and I woke up this morning wondering how miss Scarlett is doing this morning. We're all thinking of her! Stay strong little lady, and stay positive mommy & daddy.

Praying for Hope said...

Still praying for the quick and uneventful recovery your baby girl deserves.

Laura Lee said...

praying for you and your sweet girl.

megan said...

I am keepinh yall in my thoughts and prayers. She is a brave and sweet little girl. Ya'll are so strong. Praying for a quick recovery.

~Erin said...

Thoughts and prayers to all of you from all of us. We know all too well how overwhelming the PICU can be and I am sending HUGE cyber hugs your way!

sredmon81 said...

Oh your baby!!!! I hope they keep her comfortable so she isn't in too much pain. You are strong people stay strong for your little girl!!!!

Sending you virtual hugs!!!

Shelly fellow BBC Nov 2010 mama!!!

Kate said...

Thank you for the updates. I am sending thoughts and prayers your way from Baltimore, Maryland. You guys are amazing.