Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Everything is going smoothly so far (knock on wood!!)  She was admitted in the early afternoon.  It is so much better knowing what to expect when we arrive; we had everything we needed, knew what to ask for and felt much more organized and calm.  Hydration began as soon as we got here and ran for a little over 6 hours.  Because the chemo is very hard on her kidneys, they flood her system before, during and after.  We have to record everything she eats, and save all her diapers to be weighed in order to make sure her kidneys are processing fluids properly. 

Around 9pm, chemo began.  This medicine (Methotrexate) runs in a concentrated high dose for one hour, then the remainder over the following 23 hours.  She gets nausea medication just in case, but this does not seem to make her feel sick.  We are watching carefully for any signs of skin irritation, since that was a problem last time.  We took a few precautions this time to help ease it - trimmed all the adhesives to have minimal contact with her skin, used a protectant under the adhesive, used a padded name band and started the barrier cream on her bottom early.  Hopefully she comes out a little less red this time.  We change her diaper every hour or two (the nurses are a great help with this over night!) to protect her skin from the residual chemo and excess moisture.

We will be here at least a few days.  This chemo must be fully flushed from her system before she is discharged.  This is measured by blood tests every 12 hours after the chemo stops, as well as by urine samples (collected with cotton balls in her diapers).  We are already planning her admission next week.

Thank you Shannon and my little friend Patrick for their dinner delivery to the hospital.  The strawberries were SO delicious!  WAY better than cafeteria food.


Bonnie said...

The unknown makes everything more stressful so it must be nice to feel so prepared! Your recent photos of her were just beautiful.

Praying for a smooth round of chemo!

Mom to Elijah, CDH Survivor

Unknown said...

Prayers for you guys that this goes smoothly.
You are a strong woman and an inspiration to all. Prayers for baby girl and like Bonnie said for a smooth round of chemo. I know how hard hospital trips and starts are.

Irene K said...

SO glad things are going smoothly, love & strength to Scarlett from Austin, TX

Marsha said...

Glad to hear it's going smoother this time around. Will be hoping it continues to go well for her.

Jamie said...

Wonderful news. It is an answer to prayer and more prayers are being sent up that things will continue to go well and that she will get her healing soon.

Mama of Two said...

Hope it continues to go well! Sending prayers and positive thoughts!

Unknown said...

I hope everything goes smoothly adn you go home as soon as possible. She's a brave cute little girl :)

MC said...

Praying that everything continues to go smooth and that you get home as soon as possible.

Hugs & prayers from PA

heatherdily said...

Thinking about Scarlett and her family today. I hope the second round finished as smoothly as it began. <3
~Heather and Lindsey

Unknown said...

This little girl is amazing, she has touched so many lives. Will keep your family in my prayers.
Much love
Ibadete & Elisa