Monday, December 20, 2010


2010, a year that will live in infamy for my family.

January: Our house floods due to broken pipes.  Huge dehumidifiers replace our furniture.  Sheetrock, carpeting and flooring have to be removed and replaced, new paint in half the house.  New pipes are run through the ceilings and walls.  We lived in my parent's spare bedroom for more than a month.

February: Surprise!  I'm pregnant.

March: I found I would likely be laid off from my job.  Chris had been unemployed for almost 4 months by this point.

April: Chris was hired at Starbucks.

May: My sister Lindi announced she was pregnant.

June: Layoffs get ugly; I pack up my classroom while 6 months pregnant.  My grandma had knee surgery.

July:  I am monitored for dehydration. 

August:  In a last minute reprieve, I am rehired.  I reset my classroom at 8 months pregnant with only two weeks to plan for the year.

September: Lindi lost her baby at 22 weeks.  It is horrible for us all.

October: Scarlett is born.

November: Most of this month in lost to the haze of new parenting and sleeplessness.

December:  I finish my Master's degree after two years of work.  Scarlett is admitted and diagnosed with a brain tumor.


Amanda said...

I just found this blog through the Baby Center link. I will certainly be praying regularly for sweet little Scarlett.

Shan said...

That it the most horrible year. Here's hoping for a bright spot at the end, with your daughter homw and the doctors finding a smooth path to complete recovery.

Hugs and best wishes,

Shan :+)

Anonymous said...

Will be thinking of you & sending prayers for you, your husband & family. Best wishes for Scarlett; she is beautiful!

Aislynn said...

What a tough year. I am praying hard that you can gain some control in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Will be praying for you during this difficult time you, your husband and little one are going through. It just breaks my heart.