Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa made a special stop just for Miss Scarlett.


Jessica said...

Scarlett looks just precious. Merry Christmas to you, and your family!

Anonymous said...

All over the globe mothers are holding babies closer, hugging babies tigher, and rocking babies longer. This is all because of Scarlett. The world is literally a better place because of her. For 9 months you carried what you thought was a baby but was in fact a gift to the earth from God. God must have chosen you to care for his gift because of your strength and courage. You are doing God proud.

April and Roel said...

What a beautiful family photo! Lots of prayers and positive energy for you this Christmas Day!

amanda assaley said...

she is so so so beautiful...we are praying for her and send our love her way!!

Melissa said...

It looks like your Scarlett and family had a wonderful visit from Santa!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Scarlett got to meet Santa. :) Merry Christmas little family!

Sandy said...

How kind of him. That is the true spirit of Christmas. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kerri said...

Such a great picture. I'm glad she got to meed Santa. I hope Christmas was great and that you have many more Christmases with Scarlett. We are praying for a miracle for Scarlett.

-Kerri (BBC June 2010)

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for your little girl and your family. She is beautiful!

Susan said...

God bless Scarlett and your family! Sending you prayers for healing, strength and courage for whatever the future holds.

Susan (BBC Oct. 2010)
Pittsburgh, PA

Lupe said...

God Bless you and your beautiful family! My prayer are with you.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Scarlett met Santa. I want to let you know that every night, I say prayers for my son and I ask God to protect my little man. I consider this a very special and private time between us while he falls asleep. I now included Scarlett Grace in our prayers every night along with him as she is so special. We think about her every day.