Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Such a relief - she is feeling good!  The medicines are working to prevent nausea and vomiting so far, and she is even eating without a fight, though a little less than she should.  The doctors adjusted her dose of Ativan, which helps with the nausea but also sedates her, so now she is not a zombie baby.  Early this morning, she was pretty out of it, but now she seems to be handling it wonderfully.

She still gets one last dose of chemo tonight, but then...we should get to go home tomorrow!  I'm not going to pack up just yet, but everyone seems to agree that she is ready to go.  We are working out a very tight schedule of formula, medication, and Pedialyte to make sure she does not get dehydrated.  I'm going through all her prescriptions to make sure we have everything for the weekend...Zofran (nausea), Zantac (reflux), Benadryl (nausea), Ativan (nausea), Magnesium (she's low), GCSF (injections for to raise immunity), Magic Mouthwash (mouth sores), Septra (antibiotic).  I think that's it for this week.

We also had a physical therapy consult this morning.  We have been eager to get her back into PT ever since she left the other hospital after surgery, but the scheduling was difficult.  The nurse practitioner got tired of them taking too long and put in for an inpatient consult, which took less than a day to happen.  The therapist saw how hard Scarlett struggles to hold her head straight and gave us some easy stretches and holds to help strengthen her neck and shoulders.

I did find time to read a book.  I have been waiting for months for BossyPants by Tina Fey to come out.  I downloaded it to my Kindle last night and read the whole thing.  I felt like it coming out so near my birthday was a personal gift.  It is hilarious and fun to read, especially if you like Saturday Night Live or 30 Rock.  I am pretty sure that Tina and I would be great friends if we ever met.  :-)


Amie said...

Zofran how I know you so well and it does work. I'm glad to hear that she is adjusting to her medications well. I am always thinking about your little girl. Good luck with the PT hopefully you can find a schedule that works for you guys.

Take Care

Rebecca said...

Super news! Thinking of and praying for you all!

DiJe said...

Glad it went well! Keeping my fingers crossed for you to go home tomorrow.

Jamie said...

Such a blessing to hear that she is doing well. I will continue to pray for her quick recovery.

Pirates' Mama said...

Keeping your little butterfly in my thoughts. Glad to hear such great news.
Hugs from PA

The Wills Family said...

Good news! We're always thinking of Scarlett here in Cleveland. I showed my 9-month old daughter Scarlett's picture from the April 5 post, where she's smiling with her giraffe. I told her, "This is baby Scarlett." She smiled, giggled and reached out her hand to touch Scarlett's picture. It was almost like introducing them in person (sort of). :) So sweet!

skylac8506 said...

Such awesome news all around! Sending love and prayers from the Cozza's in CT

Unknown said...

Im so happy to hear how strong she is being throughout this all, and will pray that tomorrow you will get to go home. Youre little angel is a huge fighter, and she will overcome all odds. Thank you for continuing to update on un her progress

Renaissance Woman said...

I am so glad that she is doing well! I hope you get to go home on schedule! Stay strong!