Saturday, January 8, 2011


I had been hoping that, with this blog reaching so far, we might find one other family dealing with this incredible rare, incredibly scary tumor.  Yesterday, they found us.


I think I may have let myself dream again last night.


Shannon said...

OMG Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Im soo happy for you guys. Finally someone to share your grief and sadness and happiness with! Someone who not only can sympathize with what your going through but knows it first hand!! I will continue to pray for your family and to pass on your journey to others! You guys are AMAZING!!!!

kaffenbergers said...

God sent them to you. At a time when you needed a sign the most...he sent them to you. She will survive. She will grow to share her story with others..with her children...your grandchildren. I just hope you are blogging the days when she starts to crawl, take her first steps, goes potty for the first time on the potty! And even when she rides on two wheels by herself for the first time! All the love to Scarlett...always! Courtney

Expressions by Lisa Gupton said...

We're praying for your beautiful girl every day here in Bloomington, IN.

Everyone should post where you live so that you all know how far your little girl's life has reached in just a few short days!

Amy Biagini said...

What a wonderful find ! Very comforting, inspires hope. I pray Scarlett is doing well this morning. Stay strong butterfly!

Stephanie From Ohio said...

Praying for your little girl. May this just be a memory soon. Stay strong Brandi, Chris and especially you Princess Scarlett!

April said...

This is wonderful for you guys & so reassuring that you beautiful lil Scarlett will make it though all this. She's a fighter & I will continue to keep her in my thoughts & prayers.

The Howitt's said...

What a blessing. I pray that they can give you strength and hope as Little Miss Scarlett continues to fight for her life. She has touched my heart and I pray for her victory over this every day. Please know a family in Austin, Texas is praying for you. You are so courageous and a true inspiration! Hang in there!

Jessica said...

I'm so pleased Scarlett is doing well so far, She's such a stong little miracle.

There is a June 2010 BBC baby who also has a growth on their brain, they have just started their journey i believe.

Good luck, Keep fighting Scarlett.
Brandi and Chris, keep fighting for her.

MamaLamb said...

It's so encouraging to see other miracles. I pray for strength for the three of you. I pray for God's Blessings for your family and the doctors and nurses who are helping care and help your precious little girl! God Bless you Scarlett!!

LeAnn said...

And you should be able to dream again,too-Just as bright as you imagine the future to be, so it WILL BE!!! With our prayers, your amazing love & support you both give sweet Scarlett & GOD'S huge miracle He will deliver to you-the blessings will continue to overflow and cover you in this journey you are all on!! And I am happy and feel honored and blessed that our family gets to be a witness and a part of this huge miracle and the amazing progress of this sweetest of angel babies, Miss Scarlett!! <3 Just like the butterfly she IS,she will emerge from her coccoon and transform into a perfectly healthy & thriving baby girl ready to reach her next milestones~ And you will have THE Biggest cheering section ever to witness her!! Keep dreaming Brandi & Chris because God will deliver those dreams to you, I know HE will!! Amazing Grace how sweet the sound....AMEN!!!Sending our Love and continuous prayers~ xoxoxo The Resh family in Fremont,CA~ LeAnn, Mike, Michaela & Landon <3 <3 <3

Chris S said...

Abby's middle name is the same as Scarlett's---maybe that's a good sign too!

Rebecca {{BBC june2010}} said...

{{praying}} for many many updates of silly things she's going to do as she grows coloring on the wall,trying to pour her own juice, etc. You just hang in there be strong and keep fighting for her. Scarlett is a very courageous fighter she's a tough little butterfly. Continuing to pray for you three and for the doctors/surgeons. Prayers please be with your family from our family to yours. STAY STRONG.
Rebecca,John,Skylar,and little Ashtin from Carrollton,Mo.

Jessica and Katie said...

Yey! There are other little miracles out there too! I'm so glad that you've found other families who have been where you are now and they can give you hope. I hope and pray that Scarlett's treatment is successful and she lives a long and happy life!
xoxo-Jessica and Baby Katie
Sept. 2010 BBC

Baby Angel said...

That is so awesome! yayyy!!! And the person above me is right! Miracles do happen, and Ive seen them first hand, I should tell the story to you sometime, I think it would really encourage you to know what God can do. Because the condition my dad was in was literally... no one survives. Praying for scarlett still and looking forward to watching her grow up!

Unknown said...

Praying for you here on Nantucket island, MA
You are so strong!

Aidensmommy297(a fellow Oct2010 BBC member!) said...

We're praying for little Scarlett every day. Know that alot of people here in Oklahoma City are thinking about you all the time!

Rachel said...

Hello from another October 2010 family. We read your updates every night and are so excited for Scarlett's progress. Much love and many prayers coming from Northern Vermont.

Anonymous said...

Auburn, Alabama is praying for your sweet baby girl, your family and the guidance of the medical professionals working with all of you! May God's hand comfort you as you go through this ordeal. Thank you for sharing updates with us all!

Anonymous said...

What great encouragement that those babies are doing so well! So happy they found you. I have such a positive feeling about her, I look forward to someday reading about Scarlett going to Kindergarten!

melloss said...

Awesome Praying for your Little Butterfly and For you and Chris!!

lindsay fletcher said...

I cry everytime I read your blog. I feel like I'm there with you in the hospital even though I know I could never come close to what you are feeling. I think about all of you everyday and pray so hard for baby Scarlett. She has so many people rooting for her!

Sinead said...

Hold on to hope. Hold on tight to hope. Allow yourself to dream.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles, CA here....praying and sending good thoughts for you and your family :)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear this and be able hold on to the hope that these two other precious babies give to you and to all of us. We will continue to pray for you and for Scarlett. Big hugs to you, love the Garretts

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to update us...We are fervently praying for baby Scarlett and you all. May God touch Scarlett and heal her, and give you all the strength you need during this difficult time.
Psalm 91:4
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Praying for you in Jacksonville,Florida

Sarah said...

I check your blog religiously throughout the day, hoping that there is an update. I'm glad you've found others that you can share your journey with, they can give you hope. You, your husband and your amazing little girl are always in my thoughts and prayers. All coming from North Branch, Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Never stop dreaming...

Rebecca said...

I am so glad you found other personal stories involving Scarlett's condition.

I have a friend who's a nurse. Several years ago, when our DS was diagnosed in utero with a very rare condition, she gave us her passwords so we could access technical medical sites to see what we were really up against (sadly, we lost him at 23 weeks).

I've been following your story since the first diagnosis, and went back to some of those medical sites to see what technical information I could find. I found a few case studies where patients were diagnosed with GBM early, underwent surgery and aggressive chemotherapy...and were thriving 18 to 24 months later!

But since these studies were so dry and technical, with no personal info for you to connect with, I hesitated mentioning anything. But I mention them now to give you hope of success!

I'm very glad you have other parents that have been right where you both are now, and can help support you!

YOU ARE WONDERFUL PARENTS TO LOVELY SCARLETT, AND ARE ABSOLUTELY DOING THE RIGHT THING!! I know you have your moments of doubt, but you're giving Scarlett the chance to show you what an amazing and strong daughter you have. And I want to thank you for keeping this blog so the rest of us can know how incredible your daughter is, too. :)

Much love to all of you from Oregon!

Jennifer said...

Praying everyday for your family.
Love and prayers from Massachusetts.

Mama of Two said...

What a blessing to have found such encouraging stories about other miracle babies, just like Scarlett!

Prayers and love from Kentucky.

LittlePeanut said...

its not specifically the same, but...

Jessica said...

Praying for wonderful dreams come true. The Kennish's from Philadelphia, PA.

Anonymous said...

God truly sent this family to you. What a gift to have someone to share with. So many care, so many pray but so few can empathize (?sp) with you and now you have someone. Continue to cling to each other, to your family, let those help who are able to. Most of all trust and BELIEVE that God has you in the palm of His hands. Praying for you in Vacaville, CA.

April and Roel said...

I am so glad that you have been able to connect with two other families who've been through this. Definitely dream!

Sandra said...

Dream and dream big. For good things will happen to you now.

Christi Marie said...

I light a candle for your daughter and your family every night. Its my own version of prayer, as I am not Christian. You are never far from my thoughts and I religiously check your blog for updates. This could have happened to any one of us, though we always hope it never happens at all. You are a stronger woman than I am, as I wouldn't have been able to maintain composure as you have.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all from Fenwick, Michigan! I pray that God keep you all in the palm of His mighty hand and watch over you. That He comfort you and calm all of your fears. I pray that you can rest in Him...much love to you both and to Baby Scarlett!

Rebecca said...

I am a January 2010 mommy and I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I check your blog constantly for updates. You are thought of by so many....there is so much love for your family and your little Scarlett. I pray that everything works out OK and that the surgery is a success and that you walk out of that hospital someday soon with your baby girl in your arms, healthy and ready to take on the world. <3

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting little Butterfly. We are praying for you every day.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Sweet dreams tonight and always Momma!!!

AC said...

Never give up your dreams! I'm so glad you've found Riley and Abby's stories to give you hope.

I'm a May 2010 BCC mommy and truly believe in the power dreams have to shape your life.

Keep seeing your little girl coming home... I know it'll happen!

Anonymous said...

When he awoke Thursday morning, the very first words out of my husband's mouth were, "How is Scarlett today?" knowing that I would have already checked your blog first thing. We were thrilled to read today's update about other children who have successfully lived through this! We are thinking of ya'll throughout our days here in Pittsboro, North Carolina.

The Stumberg Family said...

We are praying for sweet Scarlett here in Virginia Beach. Your story has made me even more thankful for my precious 6 month old son. I will never understand why these things happen, but am sending every positive vibe I have to your family. God bless all three of you!

Jamie said...

wow!!!! this is incredible!!! so much hope must be flooding your lives right now!! i'm sooo thankful that these people found you all!!! how wonderful!!! <3 <3

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely thrilled for you guys! Not even I, with heart defects being so common and having spent many days and nights at numerous hospitals, ever found someone going through what I was. This is nothing short of miraculous and I honestly feel God's hand on it. Patti H

Krista said...

I am so happy to read this post! How wonderful to hear their success stories! I will be praying for all of you!

Lisa Brill McHale said...

someone is Ireland is praying for your daughter too!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! 2 wonderful success stories!

Amanda O'Gorman said...

I knew it! I knew there were children like Scarlett out there, beating the odds! She can get well!