Scarlett turned 4 months old yesterday! No fanfare or celebration, but another milestone that we were told we might not reach just a few weeks ago. She is still *almost* 12 pounds, still in 0-3 cloths and size 1 diapers, but is starting to turn and hold up her head again, grabs her Wubbanub pacifier when she sees it, sucks on her fist and likes to feel momma's face and hair. She enjoys her glowing seahorse toy at night and watching TV when she gets a peek.
8 days later, and we're still, still, STILL in the hospital tonight, waiting for the chemo to clear her system. She needs to score less than 0.1 to be, she was 0.16. Close, but no cigar. So, we're getting cozy for (hopefully) one last night for this week. She has still had no bad reactions, and is eating better and better. The RSV seems to have passed, other than some residual snottiness in her nose, which makes her have the cutest little sneezes, always in pairs. She's been so strong, and is acquiring quite the fan club among the nurses. We're so proud of her!
YAY! I am so happy she is doing well! For your diligent blogging and AMAZING parenting, strength, and overall awesomeness I have given you an award! Stop by my blog and claim your award!
You are all so amazing! I pray for Scarlett's health and healing and for you and chris' well being. What a phenomenal family you are and such an inspiration. Sending love your way!!!!
Praying for you!
Happy 4 months sweet Scarlett! All of you stay strong. I continue to pray and be amazed by your strength.
So happy to hear that she is such a strong little girl! You are all in my thoughts!
positive thoughts for Scarlett! so glad RSV is clearing, hoping y'all get to go home tomorrow. Love from Austin, TX
I have a 4 1/2 month old that has the same glow in the dark seahorse and loves it. Been following since day 1 glad to hear all the good news. Stay strong!
Still praying. Always. Love & blessings from my family to yours <3 From a fellow Oct 2010 Mommy :)
I rarely comment but I am an avid reader of your blog. Know that just because there aren't always a ton of comments, you have readers like me who tune in each day to see if there are any updates. We are out here cheering you on!
Brandi, I've been following Scarlett closely and she along with her wonderful parents are always in my thoughts! Wish you all happiness, health and peace. You and Chris are an inspiration to all who know you. We're proud of the way you guys are handling such difficult times. I will be around. Take care and lots of love!
Aw The Glowing Seahorse! My son has this toy (he's 7 months old) and LOVES it. I wish it played a little longer, but I think it's sooo soothing to them. Every time I play it for Sam, I will think of Scarlett.
Happy 4 months, baby. May you have many many many many more!
Each milestone is a miracle, Brandi! Enjoy each and every one <3
I am glad you guys are weathering this stage with grace! I am a wte October mommy and have been following you for awhile! I look forward to your updates and continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Happy 4 months Scarlett! So glad she's over the RSV, has the first chemo treatment behind her, and is eating well. What an amazing little girl. I know that so many people write "amazing" when they describe Scarlett, but it is really is the best word to describe her... and her wonderful parents. Still sending positive, healing energy from Massachusetts.
Hoorayyyy for 4 months and being so strong!!!! Still praying and sending positive energy your way for everyone involved.
Happy 4 months Sweet Scarlett!! I am so glad she is still doing well with the chemo and her rsv is clear! Still praying every day for all of you and I hope you get to go home tonight!
P.S. we have the glowing sea horse too and LOVE it!!
Crystal and Zoey from September 2010
Yay! Happy 4 months! We are always thinking of you guys and hoping that each little step is a success.
I am so glad the first round of chemo is over with no side effects. Stay strong. I pray she flies through the rest of the treatments as well as this one.
Happy 4 month birthday, Butterfly! Glad to hear all the great news. Don't worry about being tiny. My 8 month old is still in size 1 diapers, too, and not quite 14 lbs. :) It's not the size that matters - it's how strong you are! So stay strong, Butterfly...Mommy and Daddy, too!
Happy 4 month Birthday!! I pray that you will be home in your own bed soon.
Happy 4 months baby girl! Praying that y'all get to go home soon! Glad the RSV is clearing up, my LO was tested for it yesterday and thankfully it was negative. She's not doing too shabby with weight! Don't worry about that!
Sending positive thoughts your way. I think of you and Scarlett often. I'm from the May 2010 BBC board and there are lots of moms on there with Red siggies for Scarlett. Lots of people out there rooting for her (and you and Chris!!) hang in there, momma.
Your beautiful Scarlett and your family are in our prayers.
Happy 4 Months. I am so happy for your little miracle.
Go girl! Happy 4 month Birthday sweetheart. Ya'll are doing wonderful, keep at it. Lots of positive vibes and prayers your way! Lionel Richie's "Ballerina Girl" came on my online radio and I thought of Scarlett!
Hugs from soon to be rainy (but always sunny inside) San Diego!
Happy 4 months little Miss Scarlett... thinking and praying of you every day that passes!!!!!!
Yay! I'm am so glad to hear the RSV is over and chemo went well and she is having no side effects. That is just awesome. God is great!
happy 4 months beautiful scarlett!!!! you have soooo many people that love you and are praying for you! stay strong (mama and daddy, too!) xoxo
Happy 4 Months to sweet Scarlett!
happy 4 monthday, sweet scarlett!!! so glad rsv is passing... think of scarlett every day and pray for you guys..
Happy 4 months Scarlett and I am so glad that you are feeling better! <3
Happy 4 months, Scarlett! What a fighter!!
Happy 4 months Baby Scarlett!!!
God Bless you sweetie :)
Noelle (Cafemom)
July 2010
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