Saturday, February 5, 2011


Scarlett is 16 weeks old today.  She has discovered that sucking on her hand is fun. 


SSG said...

OMG she is so precious!!! Look at those chubby cheeks!

Tammy said...

Aww Sweet girl!!!

Darcy said...

She really is so beautiful. Lots of prayers and hugs to your family.

Unknown said...

Oh she is awesome!

Sandy said...

What a punkin! Sweet girl1

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie :)!!!! Glad to hear she's doing so well!!

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...


Andrea said...

Awww!!! Sweet girl!!!

Dana S said...

She is such a beautiful girl! What a doll :D

Catherine Soni said...

Precious baby girl!! Thank you for sharing!! Happy 16 weeks!!! :)

Jen said...

She is so tiny & beautiful! What a fighter!

Unknown said...

So wonderful that she is developing!

And, yes, she will start to love that hand in her mouth 24 hours a day!

Zenia Creations said...

She just looks amazing! Hurray for discovering her hands!! They sure are yummy (at least that's what my son told me)!!

Keri said...

Thank you for sharing!!!! She looks like she is gaining and doing well! Happy 16 weeks sweet girl!!! Keep on truckin!!!

katy said...

Sweet pea! Look at those adorable chubby cheeks! :o) Happy 16 weeks, dear Scarlett!!!

Kate said...

She is so beautiful! Happy 16 weeks, Scarlett!

Sheila said...

What a beautiful miracle!

Jamie said...

She looks so amazingly good. I am so thankful for what God has done for you all.

Jennabella said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Carter Clan said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful! :)

Andrea said...

This is what perfection looks like!!! xoxoxo

Haley, October 10 said...

She is absolutely beautiful!

Heather said...

She's so precious! Happy 16week birthday to her!

rebecca ((bbc june2010 mama)) said...

Happy 16 weeks little Scarlett!! Your so beautiful!! Stay strong babygirl!!

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous!

Elizabeth B. said...

I have seen the signatures on BBC since I joined in December and today I finally saw a link to your blog. I have read every entry starting at the beginning. I am so glad that things are finally looking up for your family. I feel like I know you and my heart was broken for you. I cannot imagine how you must feel.

Your daughter is so beautiful and I want to congratulate you on her getting better. It is a process and she couldn't have better parents throughout this process. I will be donating to your family because reading your story compels me to do everything in my power to help all of you. I am and always will be thinking of you, all of you. And I will keep Mommy, Daddy, and Daughter in my prayers.

Both of you keep your heads up for your beautiful babygirl.

Anonymous said...

God Bless her. She's beautiful :)
Still praying for you all in Boston!! Keep your chins up !!

July 2010 Baby
Boston MA

Jessica said...

She is beautiful!! God Bless her!

Erin Harrigan said...

She looks wonderful. Thoughts and prayers still coming your way!

Anonymous said...

happy 16
how can someone post with there name if they dont that the live journal ect?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl! Still thinking and praying for your family daily.

Jen D. said...

♥ So precious!

Tiffany said...

What a beauty! Look at those cheeks! She is wonderful, I will continue to keep her in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

How adorable! We continue to pray for her daily.

Tara Poor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tara Poor said...

16 weeks already!! She looks amazing! Keep up the good work Brandi and Chris!
The Poor Family - Washington

Courtney said...

I found your blog by accident one day, Im not even sure when. I just wanted to tell you your daughter is beautiful and I have been trying to keep up with her progress. Your family has been so blessed and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Congrats on 16 weeks already!!!!

Brianne said...

She is beautiful. I am so glad she's doing well. You have all been in my prayers.

April and Roel said...

She is so cute! Happy 16th week!

christine said...

She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

SO gorgeous! Happy 16th week scarlett!

AC said...

Sweet!! Love the onesie, and all the good news. I know you have a long road ahead, but it's so encouraging to see that things are going well.

Anonymous said...

she is a doll!! Still pray for you guys everyday!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Sixteen weeks and Scarlett is looking absolutely adorable! One step at a time and we're rooting and praying for you all the way.

Just a Mama said...

She is so gorgeous! Sweet Sixteen Scarlett! She is looking so great, and it's so great to hear she's home!

Anonymous said...

Precious! Praying for you, following your story!

MC said...

She's sooo adorable! My little one also sucks on his hands a lot, maybe she's teething too! Ah how fun. Love her outfit. Hugs from PA

Irene K said...

tears to my eyes, she is so beautiful!

Ashley said...

just beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! She looks so great! Yay pretty Scarlett!!!! It looks like she is doing so very well!

My little four month old pumpkin is obsessed with eating her hands too. As my BFF says "hands make good noms." :-)

Kierstie said...

Chris and Brandi - she looks wonderful. What a beautiful precious girl!
I wanted to tell you about a really cool program called Inspiration Through Art (formerly LIttlest Heroes Project) - You should check it out. It pair sick kids (or recovering kiddos) with professional photographers to do a free photo shoot. It is such an amazing program. Our son's photos are wonderful and it is such a great thing to have. Please check it out!
Keep hanging in there - you truly have a fighter on your hands! God bless little Scarlett

Jamilie said...

Such a cutie!!!

grace said...

you are such a strong mother. First time posting for me..but i've been following your story from a while back and every post helps me be a better mom to my own girls and i'm in awe of your strength and perseverance to do everything for your daughter.