Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bullet Revisited

Well, it seems Scarlett has different plans for herself.  Long story short:  her cold is not a cold.  It is likely some kind of viral infection.  RSV and Pertussis (Whooping Cough) swabs are in the lab.  No chemo until this is sorted out.

After a long night of coughing and increasing fevers, we brought her to the hospital this morning.  They were not happy with her decline since Tuesday's "it's just a cold" appointment.  They have done blood draws, nasal swabs, and another chest x-ray.  The cultures take 24 hours, so we don't know yet what it is, but they are pretty sure it's RSV (even though previous tests said it wasn't).  So, we are admitted into oncology isolation for monitoring and antibiotics.  This means that every nurse or doctor coming in must wear a mask and gown, and we have to be extra careful washing in and out.  I am glad to be in the hospital rather than at home; just like any new mom, having a  sick baby makes me nervous and I am not sure what to do.  I am so used to having nurses and doctors when she is not feeling well, as well as the right medications and equipment on hand.  We have the marvelous suction machine to suck the gunk out of her sinuses, nurses to ask, plus I don't have to do the laundry every time she throws up.

We hope to start the chemo this weekend, once the antibiotics have had a chance to take effect.  We're getting a chance to adjust to the new oncology wing, learning where everything is and who does what.  She's miserable, but at least she is getting what she needs.  Hopefully we get what we need:  a little sleep.


Anonymous said...

Scarlett and her wonderful parents are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Brandi.... I am writing you from the hospital right now with my LO with RSV. Ben was born on Oct. 30th. We have been following the blog since we heard about Scarlett on Babycenter October board. We are praying daily for Scarlett that she is healed and that mom and dad are given wisdom, strength and discernment. So sorry you have to deal with this hiccup. RSV is some nasty stuff you guys could have most definitely done without..... I'm guessing it was picked up in the hospital :((( Hugs your way mama- Wendy

Tara Poor said...

Hang in there. I know that not only is it easier said than done but what you guys have been doing for so long now. I am praying for a quick recovery.

Anonymous said...

brandi - scarlett and your family continue to be in my prayers. my baby girl was readmitted at 4 days old to isolation and i completely understand what you mean about being "glad" to be back in the hospital. you're in wonderful hands . . . . . stay strong, mama
p.s, scarlett is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

Save Smith School said...
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Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that. But at least you have a great team of people watching over her. My son was hospitalized with RSV and bronchalitis in November, and although he is a healthy baby otherwise, it's still hard to see them sick with that since it's a "wait it out" sickness. Those nose suction machines are the best and help the babies out so much.
Good luck. I continue to follow your blog daily as so so many of us from BBC do. Your family is always in our thoughts.

Lady Niblet's Mama said...

hang in there. you've got a team of good people helping you and many people here praying for you and most importantly Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

You're all in our prayers. God will guide you through the rocky road that is chemo. He is Good!
- BBC July '10 board

Unknown said...

You're in my thoughts and prayers. I hope she kicks this virus quickly and is able to move on with her treatments soon.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby girl!!! Hang in there mom and dad! Like you said Brandi at least she is where she needs to be to get better asap!!! She will fight through this just like everything else she has already over come. As always you are all in our thoughts and prayers!

Mollie said...

MY LO has RSV/Bronchiolitis along with half our city it seems.Thank goodness he has a mild case but its still scary to hear them cough so much!

Thinking of you!

Keri V. Kennedy said...

So sorry to hear Scarlett is so sick. But I totally know what you mean about the safety net of doctors and hospitals. Having a special needs child myself I can handle my child's seizures and her usual medical stuff. But when she has what most people consider "normal" kid stuff I'm clueless and I panic! What do you mean its a cold? What do I do? My Becca is 5 1/2 years old and I'm STILL this way (she has battled seizures since she was 2 months old).
Scarlett remains in my prayers.

And I know I once followed the blog of another child with the same tumor type - but I absolutely can not find who it was! Its driving me nuts! But as soon as I saw the tumor name for what Scarlett has I recognized it - so either I've hung out in the world of special medical needs kids too long or I knew someone with that exact tumor!

Praying for you all!

Love - Keri and Becca

Jenn said...

My baby girl had the croup for 10 days, and as a FTM it scared me. I can only imagine what you're going through. Hang in there and keep asking questions! Best of luck this weekend. J

Jamie - BBC Oct 2010 said...

aw mama!! i'm so sorry! it's her immune systems last hoo-rah before chemo! she'll be just a little stronger for it ;) stay positive, she will be fine!

BrownFamily said...

you all are in my thoughts and prayers!

Andrea said...

Praying for your sweet Butterfly!

April said...

I am so sorry - My Violet also had a negative RSV swab on a Monday and was hospitalized with RSV and pneumonia by Wednesday. I think they need to make some serious improvements to the doctor's office RSV tests.

LeAnn Resh in Fremont, CA said...

Awww, sweet lil' butterfly...get better really fast, ok? My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you have already been through more than most ever will..but i have so much Faith that God will see you through all these hurdles and bring you through to a point in time when the WORST you will deal with is a cold here and there..and then they will seem like nothing compared with all the challenges you 3 have faced thus far in her short 4 months!! Hang in there!! I will pray for complete healing for Scarlett and continued peace and calm for you both as you wait to proceed with the next phase of treatment! Sending our love and prayers, LeAnn, Mike, Michaela and Landon

Sandy said...

Good heavens! So sorry to hear Scarlett is sick again. Hoping she is well soon and well into her chemo to get rid of that nasty cancer. As always, good thoughts headed your way.

Tonya said...

Hang in there! Both my girls (2yrs & 4mo old) just got over RSV. It is some nasty stuff. Ya'll will get past this!

Susan--Babycenter mom said...

Poor Scarlett! She is in my prayers!

The Preziosi Family said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you a million times over!

rebecca said...

Go head Little Miss Scarlett kick the RSV in the butt and get it outta there!! We all know you can....your going to be just fine. Mama and dada--hang in there!! Good luck this weekend. My LO has been very sick too and drs office/hospital around here says its "nothing" for some reason "everything" seems to just be "nothing"....shes in very good hands.. {{continuing to pray for all of you}}

Rebecca said...

RSV can be scary, but it's wonderful that she is where she needs to be under such great medical care. I know a premature baby (he was just released for the NICU 2 weeks ago yesterday) who has RSV right now. He is also hospitalized but is doing wonderfully. Babies are so resilient and there is no doubt in anyones mind that your little Butterfly takes the cake when it comes to resiliency! :) Feel better soon Scarlett. You are thought of and prayed for daily by so many! <3

SweetSpiller said...

You guys are definitely in my prayers!

Molly (from BBC March 2010) said...

Aww--RSV stinks! My boys have had it and bronchiolitis and I just hate hearing them cough, especially at night. They were never serious enough to be hospitalized, though the doc probably felt like it after the 18th call/visit from me. Consider this an oncology "orientation" and try to get some rest. Poor little thing--I hope she feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that The littlest butterfly is sick again : (
Stay strong mama, as always you are all in our prayers here in Boston, MA
God Bless you all

Cafemom July 2010