Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We just got our first update from the operating room.  All IVs and lines are in, she is intubated and surgery has finally begun.  It has been 3 hours since we handed her off to the nurse.

We tried to absorb every minute with her this morning.  We chose to have the nurses give her morphine through the night to help ease her and let her sleep, so she was very groggy and sedated all morning.  I slept a few hours, but Chris did not.  At 5am, the nurse had us bathe her one last time to make sure she was clean.  A while later, the EEG was removed, so we got to feel her fuzzy hair one last time before it gets shaved off.  

We sat together at the window and watched the sun come up.  When it was finally time, I got to hold her as we walked down to surgery.  The nurse there wrapped Scarlett and I in a warm blanket as we discussed the procedure with the nurse and anesthesiologist.  I was so proud of myself for not crying when I had to hand her to the nurse for the last time.

We ate breakfast and packed up our room.  She has a bed in the PICU now for after surgery.  It will be a very intense few days as she recovers and we are very limited in when and how we can visit.  

We met briefly with the neurologist this morning.  When we were waiting for surgery, the nurse told us the EEG had been clear, no seizures.  Unfortunately, that was not true.  The overnight EEG showed that she is having a few very short, very mild seizures around the tumor.  We can't see any signs of them, and they are mostly in her sleep, though the nurse did catch one.  I can't believe we didn't know this was happening.  We won't know what kind of damage or effects this has had for a while, so it is just more information to add to her file.

I'll try to keep you updated as best I can.  We are a bit homeless now, with no room to settle in (PICU will be just a curtained section for one of us, no room, no table, no phones, no computer allowed).  We are spending the day in the waiting room that had the most chairs.  It's hot and noisy, but Chris is sleeping, my mom is here and I can write and read....that reminds me:  I have been reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  It is very good and has kept me quite engaged, despite the frequent distractions.  Highly recommended.

More to come.  Please pray.


Anonymous said...

Your whole October 2010 board is praying with you and is there in spirit! You'll get through this day!

Anonymous said...

Really praying hard for your family, Scarlett and the surgeons!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there...Scarlett will show everyone how strong she really is and what the word miracle means...

Anonymous said...

Stay strong mom and dad! God with is your and your precious angel!

Isabelle S. said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated knowing that you really don't have to. I'm praying so hard that everything goes well.
Love and hugs!!!!

Unknown said...

Praying. God bless your little girl.

Natasha said...

Praying for all of you and hoping for the best. Be strong!

Anonymous said...

You story is spread across all of Babycenter. Your family is in my thoughts, I hope the best for Scarlett!

Irene K said...

Thank you for updating we have been thinking of Scarlett all morning. Sending lots of good thoughts to her and her amazing doctors and family. You will all get through this day together. Much love and respect, Irene

Nancy said...

Dear Brandi, Chris and Scarlett,
I am thinking of you constantly and praying and sending you love. "May the LORD bless you and keep you, May the LORD show you his kindness and have mercy on you. May the LORD watch over you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24 - 6:26)

With love,
Nancy in Ann Arbor, Michigan

kaffenbergers said...

There are so many people all over the US praying for your little girl. We are all thinking of you today...non stop. She will return to your arms a healthy healthy tumor free baby girl!

Anonymous said...

I been thinking about you guys all day. Praying hard, thinking about you, and crying as I read the updates. I am waiting for great news. You're all in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Im with the August 2010 group and wanted you to know Scarlett and your family are in my continuous thoughts and prayers. God Bless you!!!

Courtney and Andy Horne said...

Although I don't know you or your family, I feel like I do as I have been closely following Scarlett's blog since I learned of your family on Babycenter. I'm part of the July 2011 birth board and a lot of us in there have changed our signatures to red in hope and prayer for Scarlett as well as your family. I can't even begin to fathom what you're going through and I pray every day for the health and safety of Scarlett and strength for you and your husband. I will continue to pray for you daily and have been thinking of all 3 of you as this day has progressed. I don't have any words of wisdom as I haven't been where you are, but I pray that those words I can't get out myself find their way to your through the strength and prayers of others. God bless you and your family!

Julie said...

I am praying for your girl to come through surgery with flying colors. I am praying that the surgeons are able to use their skills to heal Scarlett. And I am praying for the two of you to continue your amazing strength through this.

Anonymous said...

I've been following your story and praying for Scarlett since day one! I'm so very hopeful for her. You are amazing and very strong parents. I truly have the utmost respect for you two. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, especially that beautiful baby girl.

I'm praying that God will guide the hands of those surgeons!

Anonymous said...

The July 2010 Board is Praying for Scarlett! You are all in my thoughts and I admire your strength. Anxiously awaiting great news from the surgeons!

Anonymous said...

I'm an April Baby Board Member from Texas...praying for your family.

Amy said...

Just adding to the chorus... there's a lot of love and prayer surrounding you guys today. I'm at work and getting nothing done because I can't stop thinking about you and little Scarlett. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I'm from the Oct 09 board, too. Stay strong, mama - you have so much courage, and we are so proud of you.

Anna Rosemond said...

I cannot imagine the pain and what not that you all are feeling. I will let you know that I am praying SO very hard for you all. I believe God for a mighty work and miracle. Much love to you both!

Malory said...

The majority of the BBC July 2010 group is praying so hard for you and your little girl! We are wearing red, letting each other know when you guys are updating, and praying like we've never prayed before. We have so much faith that you beautiful girl is going to be okay! God is good, and God is sitting right beside her right now, comforting her and helping her get through this surgery, and guiding the surgeons hands.
The 3 of you are loved by so many of us out here, you are NOT alone!!!! Hang tough guys <3

Anonymous said...

I am wearing red today to support your beautiful Scarlett. I have been praying for her all day and will continue to do so. ((HUGS)) Stay strong!

Sandy said...

Praying a lot!

Megan Cox said...

Praying and thinking of you and Scarlett today.

Anonymous said...

also from aug'10, our board has been bumping threads about you all since last night. Thanks so much for the update.

Anonymous said...

Love to you all.

I know Scarlett is enveloped in the love everyone is sending her way, your love, online communities, your family, the hospital staff, everyone! <3

I have faith in little your little Scarlett!

Anonymous said...

Our July 2010 board on BBC is constantly updating and bumping your blog! Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way!! ((hugs))

Mary - BBC Nov '09 Board said...

May the Lord and all His angels watch over you little Scarlett and may He bless the surgical team with steady hands and clear minds. I am praying for you and your family and for good news to come quickly. You are in the hearts of so many people. Bless you.

JessHellum said...

Lots of prayers sent your way!!!

Stefanie said...

Thoughts and prayers from a fellow Oct mom - sefaniee.

ACE said...

Praying with all my heart!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm from the July 2010 board, I think of your family often and am praying for sweet little Scarlett.


Anonymous said...

I've shed tears for your little one and you both- there's such a primal connection to a family who is dealing with so much. Prayers and good thoughts for your little one today.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you all throughout the day. The Canadians are rooting for you too, Baby Scarlett. Thank you for the update. Can't wait to hear that she is resting comfortably in the PICU. (BBC Sep 2010)

Anonymous said...

The June 2010 Birth group is also praying our hearts out. I've been praying almost constantly for you, your little family, and the surgeons. I could never imagine the pain that this holds for you as parents, being a ftm myself. I have never prayed for anything harder or as often as I have for your little one. May Angels watch over her and her surgeons today. Thank you for the update. and we'll continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for your precious little baby all day today! We are also bumping some love on July 2010! God Bless you!!

Anonymous said...

Fellow member of the October 2010 board adding to the prayers! My little one and I are wearing red today in honor of your courageous little butterfly!

Anonymous said...

praying hard!! awaiting good news!!

Em said...

Prayers form the November/October birth boards! And my family are all dressed in red!!!

Lindsey said...

Praying and thinking of you all constantly. I've been checking in frequently for updates. Glad to hear that all the prep went well and they have started. It is good, that means she must have taken well to the anesthesia. Continuing to pray and check for updates throughout the day. Much love your way.

Kimberly said...


Anonymous said...

My family is dressed in red today to support Scarlett. We are praying for you and your family. Stay strong! *Hugs*

Becky said...

Praying for you all!

Caryn said...

Prayers, prayers and more prayers for you all. I wish I had other words to comfort, I am praying for you and I prayed to my mom (she passed a yr and half ago) to please sit with Scarlett today during her surgery, hold her hand and treat her as if she was one of her own grandkids. I know she is right there comforting your baby girl and the Lord is there guiding the surgeons. Thank you for keeping us updated and stay strong

Mrs. Bouldin said...

Stay strong! We are praying for yall and for the doctor's knowledge and steady hands.

Amy Cate said...

I am praying for you and your family. My baby was born on 9/13 without a heartbeat and wasn't breathing. She was airlifted to Childrens Hosp of Philly where we were told she wouldnt make it. We were told she'd have permanent brain damage. She is alive and well and thriving. Doctors didn't have words or explanations. I know God is who healed her. Babies' brains are very resilient. I pray God will heal your daughter. Don't let go of hope. My baby is proof that miracles happen. She and I will wear red in support of your little one. I hope to hear positive news from the surgeon. I pray for healing and for peace.

Anonymous said...

Clicking on your page like every half an hour, waiting for an update. Thank you for taking the time to keep your prayer circle posted. We're all thinking positive, healing thoughts for you!

Sandra said...

On my knees!

Amy Biagini said...

I know my tears do no good, but I cant help but shed them as I read your update. I wish all the best for you.

Anonymous said...

my heart breaks everytime i read this blog and i can not imagine the thoughts and feelings you must be going through but you know that there are many many people praying and pulling for not just your little butterfly Scarlett but for your entire family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to update! I'm from the November 2010 BBC board, and we're all still praying and thinking of you and your precious baby girl. Your strength is so empowering -- you and your husband are amazing!
--- Rachael M.

Anonymous said...

You all have been in my thoughts and prayers all day today and every other day. I heard your story through TheBump forums and have been reading your updates everyday. I will continue praying through the day for you all. May God continue to give you strength.

MelissaD said...

Praying for your beautiful Scarlett today. My family is wearing all red in support! BBC July 2010.

Holly said...

I have been praying off and on all day that the surgeons ill have steady hands and everything will go as planned. I am believing that God will be with the surgeons as the operate and with Scarlett as she recovers.

Unknown said...

I'm not usually the praying type, but I am definitely praying hard for this little girl and her family (not only today, but in the future as well).

Wearing red, and telling the world your story.

Angela said...

Hi there I am from the November 2010 board. I just wanted to let you know that our family has been praying for Scarlett. My mom is a devout Christian and while I live in South FL she lives in Chicago she has communicated with her church peers and have begun a prayer chain for Scarlett. The power of prayer is beyond belief. I know that your baby girl has many angels sitting in that operating room and may God illuminate and guide those surgeons so we can all see Scarlett come home.

Stephanie said...

May God bless Scarlett, her surgeons and your entire family. Tears run down my face as I read your blog, I wish nothing but the best for you all, prayers from Noblesville, IN.
BBC June 2009

Anonymous said...

God Bless you all. I know the Lord is with Little Scarlett. Your honesty and courage is an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Holding Scarlett in hearts, thoughts and prayers today. Stay strong Mom and Dad.

Anonymous said...

Praying with all of my heart.

Jamie said...

i don't even want to leave the house today. i just keep coming back looking for updates. you are all constantly on my mind. <3 your way

Rachel said...

I truly believe that God is guiding the hands of those wonderful doctors caring for your beautiful girl. Think of you all, praying for you all and sending so much love and support your way.

Anonymous said...

Giving my daughter extra hugs and kisses today while I'm thinking of beautiful little Scarlett. Hang in there Mom and Dad. All of us wish we could be there with you.

Jessica and Katie said...

I've been thinking about little Scarlett all day and praying for the doctors to be guided and for a strong and swift recovery. My little Katie and I are both wearing red for your daughter. I posted some pics to the FB page. We are sending you lots and lots of love. -Jessica (Sept '10 BBC)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all as well as the surgeons and medical team with Scarlett today. God is in control. -Holly (July 10 BBC)

Meg said...

I am a Christian and was listening to Klove, the Christian station for the NATION, and I heard a prayer request to pray for a Scarlett Grace, a little 2 1/2 month old who is undergoing surgery for a brain tumor. Your little baby is being prayed for my hundreds of thousands of people!! God will help you and your little baby through this time. (Nov 10 BBC)

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. Our God is good and will take care of your little angel.

Sheila said...

Holding my breath and praying so hard. Please God watch over Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for your beautiful princess. The LORD is guiding the surgeons hands and giving them wisdom. May He also give you all strength and peace as you endure this battle. I pray she recovers quickly from the surgery and that the days to come will bring you a miracle. (March'10 BBC)

Brandy said...

Prayers are with you as you go through this journey. Always remember when you reach out someone will be there to hold your hand!

(August 2010 BBC)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us all updated. Although most of us are strangers, transfixed not just by your tragic situation but by the dignity, eloquence, and strength with which you are coping, we are all united through the bond of parenthood.

Despite the enormous obstacle baby Scarlett faces now, she is one lucky little girl to have been born into your loving arms. It is obvious that you both have the courage, wisdom and compassion that would make even veteran parents envious. May Scarlett experience a full recovery so that she has the opportunities every baby deserves, and may you both find the peace and patience you will need during the struggle ahead.

Kylie said...

I think you have all of Babycenter praying for you and little Scarlett Grace. I've been following your story for a few weeks and my heart goes out to you and your family.
I am in constant prayer for Scarlett. I pray that God will lay his hands on her and your family during this uncertain time.
Lots of love to your family!
(BBC Feb '10)

Anonymous said...

I saw a butterfly today. It's winter here. It was amazing. hang in there. loves. We are all praying for your Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

praying for your little girl may God be with you all as you go though all this..

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am also from BBC Oct 10 group have been praying all last night and all day, I know you will get through this don't loose hope, God works in misterious ways but always with a purpose surrender all your worries in his hands and he will make it all better. I have told him today that I will no longer cry for Scarlett because if she's in his hands I have nothing to worry about I am praying for you and your family to do the same and that he comforts you through out the waiting time. I believe in miracles and I believe in him in that operating room holding her little hand and making sure all goes well. sending ((hugs)) your way!

Anonymous said...

Prayers and love from an OCT2010 mommy and baby girl. We are wearing our red and have been thinking of you all day. STRENGTH AND LOVE xo

kelly said...

Thoughts and prayers and heartfelt love to baby scarlett and her family Kelly

JenBank said...

There are so many prayers out there for Scarlett, you and Chris. Your baby girl has touched so many people. God is there in the operating room guiding the surgeons hands and comforting your sweet girl.

Everytime I see something red I say a prayer for Scarlett Grace.

Lily from July 2010 BBC said...

Praying today, and BBC is full of threads and prayers for Scarlett today. I will be praying your beautiful girl makes it through surgery and recovery...Your story has touched so many lives. May you be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Dear heavenly father I come to you today to pray for Baby Scarlett I pray that you comfort her when she is scared and when she is in pain and doesn't understand why. I pray for her mommy and daddy that they feel your presence with them father comfort their hearts and ease their pain. I pray for the surgeons give them wisdom dear lord and stead their hands give them strength to finish their mission. But most of all I pray for a miracle you are a healing God you have showed us in your word heal this baby and allow her to live a life in your glory oh lo bring peace to this family IN YOUR GLORIOUS NAMEI PRAY AMEN

Anonymous said...

I am from the Jan. 2010 BB and I just heard about your sweet Scarlett two days ago. I have read all of your blog and have been praying diligently for your family. There is a reason for everything and God will help you through the good and the bad times. He will never leave you or foresake you.

Anonymous said...

I am praying so hard for both of you, sweet Scarlett, and her team of doctors. May God bring you strength and work a miracle in your baby girl.

Anonymous said...

From a fellow October 2010 mom - Thinking about you and Scarlett all day long and will continue to send prayers your way. I'm sure you have better things to be doing, but the updates are much appreciated. Come on, Scarlett! You can do it!
P.S. - I agree, The Help was really good. I'm glad it's providing you with a pleasant distraction from all the waiting.

Emily0829 said...

I'm so thrilled to hear that everything is going good thus far. I don't know any of you, but I've followed this blog and other updates (You've made it to The Bump, too!) and constantly praying for your litle girl, and praying for the strength for the two of you to make it through, and that you hold your sweet, healthy, recovering baby girl in your arms soon.
I pray for the surgeons and team of doctor's as they work a miracle for Scarlett, so all of those that care for your family, including myself, may rejoice in your happiness too.

Anonymous said...

From an August 2010 Mom- Our thoughts and prayers are being sent from Cleveland, OH. We hope the Lord provides your hearts with peace and comfort during this difficult time. We will continue to pray until Scarlett beats this! I could not imagine being in your shoes- but we all know- it, unfortunately, can happen in an instant. So we ban together with prayers of love and support.

Anonymous said...

another Nov 10 BBC momma here praying for you, Chris and sweet Scarlett. I've got my red on today in support and am squeezing my sweet boy a little tighter as i think of you and what you are going through. My heart is heavy for your family today, but heavy with hope as I know, with so many prayers, she's going to pull through. We'll be watching for more updates tonight.
-the graves family

Heather said...

Your family and sweet Scarlett are definitely in my prayers and not far from my every thought. I can't imagine how you both are feeling right now. I wish I lived closer to give you hugs.
Heather from Wi and
BBC August 2010.

Beth said...

I'm brand new to your blog but just read it all and am now caught up on your story and your amazing daughter's life. I am praying for you all with all my might.

Anonymous said...

Good luck there is just nothing else to say. May God and the surgeons will be able to take everything out they can! Also hoping for a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your beautiful daughter. May a miracle happen.

Anonymous said...

From Sept 2010 board and live in So Calif. My son had a craniotomy and cranial reconstruction when he was 4mo. He is a healthy 3yr old now with only 1 more surgery to come. Take comfort in knowing that scarlet will never remember a thing about this time even though you will never forget a second. My family is praying...

Anonymous said...

DD Addison and I - along with the rest of the October 2010 ladies - are thinking about you guys! You're so strong. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Wearing red today for you guys. You, your BEAUTIFUL baby girl, and your family are in my prayers as you go through this. I wish there was more I could do. I am sending you many many mental hugs, stay strong, you are doing great, mama.

Randi M. said...

I am a part of the "Dreamers & Blamers" TTC board on BBC and we just learned of sweet Scarlett. I sat and read your entire blog (as did many of our board members)... I am so moved and you and your husband are so strong. I am wearing red and praying for you all today. God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Praying that God heals your beautiful baby girl.

Anonymous said...

Another September mom & baby from BBC thinking of you and wishing you well!

Juliet said...

Praying for you, your sweet little girl and her medical team!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what you both go through as you wait for this forever long day to end. Praying for peace of mind for you and your family and a miracle for your sweet baby girl! Keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about your family all day. My baby and I said an extra prayer for Scarlett this morning (Aug 2010)

ps~ The Help is such a great book :)

Anonymous said...

I am part of the October 2009 BBC and have been following your story. Hearts and thoughts are with you all. I am praying for baby Scarlett and the both of you. Thanks for sharing her with us. She is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for your family. Please keep us updated. Your beautiful baby girl is in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family. I can't imagine what you are going through. Hope baby Scarlett is doing well in her surgery. God be with you and your baby.

Anonymous said...

You have all my prayers and deepest most heartfelt wishes that surgery goes well. I cant read or think about your family without crying. You seem like such wonderful, strong people. I hope and pray for the very best for you and beautiful Scarlett.

Jennifer in Colorado said...

Praying hard for you.. I only learned of your situation today as a result of a post on the 3rd Tri board on it's clear that your beautiful butterfly has touched so many hearts out there and mine is one.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of your family today! I've been checking your blog all day hoping for good updates. Thank you for keeping us updated and sharing your story. So many people around the world praying for Scarletts healing!!

Anonymous said...

Another stranger praying for your sweet baby girl. Hang in there guys.

Stephanie said...

I also just came across your story from a post on the bump today, my goodness you are a strong woman! Sending all the good thoughts I can conjure up your way and hoping for the best possible putcome for your precious little girl!

Anonymous said...

I am a Feb 2009 BBC Momma... My thoughts and prayers are with Scarlett and your family. She is a such a beautiful little girl. Stay strong Momma <3

Anonymous said...

june 2011 mama here- wanted to let you know that i am sending a ton of good energy in your direction.

Anonymous said...

You and your husband are so very strong - your strength and your love for your daughter and each other is really remarkable. You write with such eloquence, hope and faith. I'm sending all my good thoughts to you all today from Canada for a successful surgery. I'm positive that your beautiful butterfly will actually get to see a few butterflies herself next summer.

Anonymous said...

I woke up this morning at about 4am to start spreading the word about your precious little baby. Facebook and Myspace are mine for the taking. EVERYONE who is on my friends list on BOTH websites are praying for Miss Scarlett. I even contacted 2 local news stations and a VERY popular local radio station to help spread the word! I live in a small word travels somewhat fast...and I was SO very proud today when almost everywhere I went, there were people wearing red in support of a miracle for your sweet baby. My daughter was born October 23rd....I can't imagine what you are going through right now. You seem to be handling everything so much better than I would. You are *Strong*...I wish I could be half as strong as you. We are all praying for you Brandi...thousands of people from ALL over the world are praying for you. Can't wait to hear another update.

Stephanie said...

I am praying for you both and your sweet baby Scarlett, that God gives Scarlett a miracle and that you feel the peace and love of God. Please know that God brings good out of suffering; you and your precious baby girl have touched the hearts of so many people. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.

Anonymous said...

My family is sending love and prayers for you and baby Scarlett. Your strength amazes me and I'm sure Scarlett Grace is a fighter as well. Keep your positive outlook. Your beautiful sweet butterfly is in our thoughts.

Anonymous said...

God Bless your little girl, your family, and all the doctors involved.

I just randomly found your blog, but so heart struck with your story.

Hang in there mom and dad, my best wishes and deepest prayers are with you.

Madrid, Spain

Anonymous said...

Sending strength and hope your way. Hang in there and take what comfort there is in knowing how much we all care about you and your family.

jennifer852501 said...

Thank you so much for allowing us all into your world! I believe Scarlett Grace deserves to tell her story, and to touch as many lives as possible. She has certainly touched mine. I am from Sept. 2010, as well, and you have our love and support mama :) My little man wore red today in support of your little miss, and DH is sending his support from Afghanistan. Eagerly awaiting joyous news mama; you and DH are AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

I too am praying.

Anonymous said...

Prayers sent your way! We have been thinking about her all day!!

Em Hoskins said...

I was on my knees praying for Scarlett, you and Chris and the surgical team. I am also lifting up your precious Scarlett any moment she comes to mind and it is very frequent today.

Susan Adams said...

We've been praying and thinking of y'all! Thanks for the updates.

Rebecca {BBC june 2010} said...

you are such an inspriration to many of us what your going through is really means so much that you make time to get on here and keep everyone updated as her days go on. I was thinking to myslef earlier today if there was a way that each and every one of us could be outside the hospital praying together for you,Scarlett,Chris,and the doctors/surgeons that youd have the absolute whole world right there as like now to me it seems that you,Scarlett,and Chris have the whole wide world in your hands because we are there not physically but def emotionally and thoughtfully. I've been praying all day long crying in the process just hoping that Scarlett is doing ok. She's a very strong fighter. STAY STRONG...{{HUGS}}

Krista said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers all day. My heart goes out to you, Scarlett, Chris, the surgeons and the other members of your family. May you all stay strong and keep the faith.
--Krista from TheBump 3-6

Alicia said...

My heart breaks for your family and I am praying for you. I can't imagine what you are going through, I hope she pulls through surgery.

Anonymous said...

you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
-stefanel at bbc

Sinead said...

Praying for all of you. Please don't stress yourself about what you did not see. The small seizures that she had in her sleep were something that only a person who knew what all of the different seizure types look like, would recognize. You have done all the right things to get your child to the professionals who are trained to recognize these things. Hugs.

Karen said...

I'm from the Sept. 09 board. My family and I have been keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers. My MOPS groups is praying also. May everyone's prayers lift you up and keep you strong.

Amanda said...

Your family is in my prayers everyday. Espically today.

maryode said...

I heard about your story from my good friend Krista who took your photos, and also from the September 2010 birth board. I just wanted to say I'm praying for Scarlett and your family, She's such a precious girl! Thank you for keeping us posted, it looks like you have lots of people covering your family in prayer.

Melissa said...

I am praying for you and your sweet baby girl.

In With the Light said...

praying for peace and healing! I wore my red and black scarf to work today. I thought about all of you all day. love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for your little Butterfly all day :)

Anonymous said...

I'm from the BBC August 2010 board. My family is keeping yours in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a miracle for your baby girl. Stay strong, miracles happen every day!!

Anonymous said...

Sending thoughts of love, peace, and healing for Scarlett, Brandi, and Chris. (EnglishGradGirl Oct. BBC)

Catherine Soni said...

I have been thinking of Scarlett and praying for her throughout the day. I am praying for you both as well. Praying for peace, strength and both are so brave and an example and inspiration to us all. Scarlett is so precious and I am thankful to be able to lift her up in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll are in my prayers!! God can do great things and I really believe he can turn things around for ya'll!! <3

Unknown said...

I have been thinking about your baby girl all day. Wishing with all my heart, that a miracle happens for your little girl. She has a TON of people cheering for her. Best wishes for your family.

Go, Scarlett, go!

Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for you! God's grace and peace for your family.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and Prayers are with Scarlett, you and your family and the surgeons.

alice said...

I am another BabyCenter mom, who's also been a NICU mom and a PICU mom. Both of my children came through their ordeals - my July 05 NICU son is now a healthy five and a half year old, and my July 04 son was in the PICU a year and a bit ago and is now a happy, healthy six and a half year old. I pray for you that everything goes as well for your family as it did for ours.

Kristin said...

I am praying for you, your husband, and your precious angel.

Ashley said...

Your family has been in my thoughts all day. I am praying for all of the hands that come in contact with your little butterfly - she will show us all what a miracle looks like.

Jessica said...

I've been thinking about the two of you and your precious baby girl all day. Prayers that Mommy, Daddy and baby stay strong through today. Every bit of me is praying for Scarlett and her miracle.

Katie said...

Hoping and praying that Scarlett is doing well. May God watch over the many surgeons and nurses working on your beautiful butterfly. Sending prayers and lots of support your way! ( BBC Jan 09 BB)

Jemelene said...

Prayer of Hope has posted a request for Prayer. We will be following your story!

Mrs.Andrews-Next Adventure Travel Co said...

I know we have never met or talked, but my heart is with you. I am on the Dec. 09 board and someone linked this to me. I cannot imagine how hard this is to go through, but stay strong. Your little girl is beautiful, loved, and supported more than you can imagine. I will keep praying until I read the words "she is all better". *hugs* hang in there.

Our Happy Little Family said...

Praying so hard for your little Scarlett and your entire family.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for a little girl and family that have touched all of our hearts. I truly send you all the love and peace I can give.

Unknown said...

We are praying so much for you, Scarlett Grace! You're such a brave family and we wish you the best of luck. God bless <3

A.WESSON said...

Go Scarlett go! Love and prayers from July 2010 in Canada. Xoxo.

Krissy BBC Sept 2009 said...

Just saying a prayer for everyone involved with it half way over I know everyone could use a prayerfor strength. Stay strong mamaand daddy

The Skirvins said...

Thinking about your little one today. I hope the surgery goes well. I think it will.

Jennifer said...

Praying for your beautiful little girl today

Anonymous said...

Baby JoBella and I wore red today, I told everyone at work why, I posted on FB, I told everyone in my cell phone contacts. You two and Baby Scarlett have been in mine and alot of my friends prayers today. Many kisses and hugs to Baby Scarlett! We all love her...Bridget Cole and Family

angel (lyssaloosmom) said...

She's got about and hour and a half left and I feel like I've been crying all day for your family. You really have no idea how many people are pulling are you guys. I've prayed harder for her that I've ever prayed for anything in my life along with everyone else. I know that great things will come of it. Keep your chins up and stay positive. We love you guys...

Rachael Marie said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers !! Thank you for all of the updates. I admire your strength during this difficult situation. Scarlett sure does have a fan club and a multitude of love. May you all feel that. God bless !

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about and praying for Scarlett all day... Keeping you all in my prayers. St. Jude, Please pray for this child.

Amanda said...

Following from the September 2010 board. You are such a strong mommy and I choose to believe Scarlett feels your strength and is drawing from your strength. she is a beautiful baby and I am praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I have thought of and prayed for your precious little baby girl everyday since I first heard your story on Babycenter (August 2010 birthclub). Hugs to all of you. Your strength is amazing in this time of turmoil. I have a good feeling for little Scarlett. May she be well and healed and happy and healthy for many years to come. God bless you!!

Kimberly said...

Look at what Scarlett has done, its amazing to see thousands of people coming together through the internet and other means for her. This in and of itself is so heartwarming and helps me to feel good about our world. Scarlett has already touched so many people, people who hope, pray, visualize like crazy, people who have cried at least once if not a dozen or more times, people who want nothing more but to see her come out of this unscathed. We are all there with you, I hope you feel it. It has been proven that the more people you have praying for you, the better you do. Will be praying all night and checking when I can..........

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So many people are praying for you and your beautiful Scarlett. I'm sending thoughts and prayers to you, and I hope that Scarlett's surgery is a resounding success.

Anonymous said...

Prayer for a successful surgery,God bless you and Scarlett.

PHB mommy.

Anonymous said...

I am from the March 2010 BBC board. I am sending lots of prayers your way!!

Andrea said...

Dear Heavenly Father...I lift up this beautiful little butterfly that you created. Lord surround that sweet angel in SO much love while her surgery is going on. I pray her brain does not swell while the surgeons work to remove the tumor. Lord I pray for the surgeon's hands and their bodies while they work to save this precious girl. I pray they're able to remove this horrible tumor and that she is able to come out of it with flying colors and that she has a stable and quick recovery. Lord I lift up her mommy and daddy...surround all of them in your guardian angels and protect their hearts and shower them all in your love.

Jen D. said...

Sending my thoughts and prayers for you all.

Anonymous said...

God Bless Your Family!

DMV47 said...

Waiting as every update comes, Brandi. Stay strong. We are all here for you! (much love, Mel)

LadyElizabethV said...

Hang in there sweetie. You, your family and your darling Scarlett are in my prayers always♥

Anonymous said...

God bless your family...praying.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray! Hoping for an update soon!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your story and have been praying oh so hard for little Scarlett! I pray for more good news and that she is healed!

And I read this yesterday...and went to our school's library today and checked out the book The Help!! Can't wait to start reading it!

God Bless!
